
Henrich, Joseph, and Michael Muthukrishna. “What makes us smart?Topics in Cognitive Science (2023). PDF
Atari, Mohammad, and Joseph Henrich. “Historical Psychology.” Current Directions in Psychological Science (2023): 1-8. Publisher's Version PDF
Bendixen, Theiss, Coren Lee Apicella, Quentin Atkinson, Emma Cohen, Joseph Henrich, Rita Anne McNamara, Ara Norenzayan, Aiyana Koka Willard, Dimitris Xygalatas, and Benjamin Grant Purzycki. “Appealing to the minds of gods: Religious beliefs and appeals correspond to features of local social ecologies.” Religion, Brain & Behavior (2023). Publisher's versionAbstract
While appeals to gods and spirits are ubiquitous throughout human societies past and present, deities' postulated concerns vary across populations. How does the content of beliefs about and appeals to gods vary across groups, and what accounts for this variation? With particular emphasis on locally important deities, we develop a novel cultural evolutionary account that includes a set of predictive criteria for what deities will be associated with in various socioecological contexts. We then apply these criteria in an analysis of individual-level ethnographic free-list data on what pleases and angers locally relevant deities from eight diverse societies. We conclude with a discussion of how alternative approaches to cross-cultural variation in god beliefs and appeals fare against our findings and close by considering some key implications of our methods and findings for the cognitive and evolutionary study of religion.
Blasi, Damián E., Joseph Henrich, Evangelia Adamou, David Kemmerer, and Asifa Majid. “Over-reliance on English hinders cognitive science.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26, no. 12 (2022). Publisher's Version PDF
Zeng, Tian Chen, and Joseph Henrich. “Cultural evolution may influence heritability by shaping assortative mating.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (2022): e181. Publisher's Version PDF
Bian, Q., Y. Chen, P. M. Greenfield, and Q. Yuan. “Mothers’ experience of social change and individualistic parenting goals over two generations in urban China.” Frontiers in Cultural Psychology (2022).
He, Angel, Patricia. M. Greefield, Amy Akiba, and Genavee Brown. “Why do many parents expect more help from their children during COVID-19? A qualitative follow-up to quantitative survey data.” Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (2022): 100052. Publisher's Version
Issac, A. R., E. Trumbull, and P. M. Greenfield. “Cultural values (mismatch) in two U.S. elementary school classrooms: Examining the impact of cultural theory on teaching practice.School Community Journal 32, no. 2 (2022): 32. PDF
Hong, Ze. “Combining Conformist and Payoff Bias in Cultural Evolution: An Integrated Model for Human Decision Making.” Human Nature 33 (2022): 463-484. PDF
Hong, Ze. “Ghost, Divination, and Magic among the Nuosu: An Ethnographic Examination from Cognitive and Cultural Evolutionary Perspectives.” Human Nature 33, no. 4 (2022): 349-379. PDF
Hong, Ze. “The ritual stance does not apply to magic in general.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (2022): e258. Publisher's Version PDF
Henrich, Joseph, Damián E. Blasi, Cameron M. Curtin, Helen Elizabeth Davis, Ze Hong, Daniel Kelly, and Ivan Kroupin. “A Cultural Species and its Cognitive Phenotypes: Implications for Philosophy.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology (2022). Publisher's Version PDF
Henrich, Joseph. “Cognitive bugs, alternative models, and new data.” Religion, Brain & Behavior (2022): 42-58. Publisher's Version PDF
Hong, Ze. “Dream Interpretation from a Cognitive and Cultural Evolutionary Perspective: The Case of Oneiromancy in Traditional China.” Cognitive Science 46, no. 1 (2022): e13088. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Why did people across the world and throughout history believe that dreams can foretell what will occur in the future? In this paper, I attempt to answer this question within a cultural evolutionary framework by emphasizing the cognitive aspect of dream interpretation; namely, the fact that dreams were often viewed as significant and interpretable has to do with various psychological and social factors that influence how people obtain and process information regarding the validity of dream interpretation as a technique. Through a comprehensive analysis of a large dataset of dream occurrences in the official Chinese historical records, I argue that the ubiquity and persistence of dream interpretation have a strong empirical component (predictively accurate dream cases), which is particularly vulnerable to transmission errors and biases. The overwhelmingly successful records of dream prediction in transmitted texts, I suggest, is largely due to the fabrication and retrospective inference of past dreams, as well as the under-reporting of predictive failures. These “positive data” then reinforce individuals’ confidence in the predictive power of dreams. I finally show a potential decline of the popularity of dream interpretation in traditional China and offer a few suggestive explanations drawing on the unique characteristics of oneiromancy compared to other divination techniques.
Park, Peter S., Martin A. Nowak, and Christian Hilbe.Cooperation in alternating interactions with memory constraints.” Nature Communications 13, no. 737 (2022). Publisher's Version PDF
Purzycki, Benjamin Grant, Martin Lang, Joseph Henrich, and Ara Norenzayan. “The Evolution of Religion and Morality Project: Reflections and Looking Ahead.” Religion, Brain & Behavior 12, no. 1-2 (2022): 190-211. Publisher's Version
Purzycki, Benjamin Grant, Martin Lang, Joseph Henrich, and Ara Norenzayan. “Guiding the Evolution of the Evolutionary Sciences of Religion: A Discussion.” Religion, Brain & Behavior 12, no. 1-2 (2022): 226-232. Publisher's Version
Vardy, T., C. Moya, C. Placek, C. D. Apicella, A. Bolyanatz, E. Cohen, C. Handley, et al.The religiosity gender gap in 14 diverse societies.” Religion, Brain & Behavior 12, no. 1-2 (2022): 18-37. Publisher's Version
Waring, Timothy M., Zachary T. Wood, and Mona J. Xue. “Culture is Reducing Genetic Heritability and Superseding Genetic Adaptation.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (2022): e179. Publisher's Version PDF
Park, Peter S.The Evolution of Cognitive Biases in Human Learning.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 541, no. 111031 (2022). Publisher's VersionAbstract
e propose that humans may not meaningfully retain high-variance environmental feedback, a behavior that likely evolved in a past environment with unfavorable fitness tradeoffs from overcommitting attention. We argue that in such settings, humans instead rely on an innate estimate of future payoffs optimized for their evolutionary past of cultural learning: learning from knowledge taught by fellow group members, rather than from the environmental feedback itself. A veridical decision-theoretic model of this evolutionary past can help explain several puzzles of human behavior: (a) the hard-easy effect, the overconfidence (respectively, underconfidence) of one’s estimate of her ability in a difficult task (respectively, easy task); (b) underinference, the persistence of the aforementioned flawed belief in the face of evidence to the contrary; (c) the non-monotonicity of confidence with respect to the level of experience; (d) persistent vulnerability to charlatans; and (e) the situational effectiveness of marginal educational interventions. This finding corroborates the thesis [1, 2] that dual inheritance theory is an ideal candidate to be a cumulative theoretical framework for the psychological sciences. Our evolutionary theory and its predictions also have foundational policy implications, particularly for education.
